
Showing posts from August 4, 2013
So I finally get the letter from the Children's Hospital on Michael's diagnosis and explanation.   Like how long ago has it been now?  You don't think I may have found out maybe a bit about what we are dealing with?  Anyway....  I told this Councilor, after she called me the first time with his diagnosis and kept rattling things off when I was in a state of shock, that maybe it all shouldn't be all doom and gloom.  I mean, my child swallowed just fine after those first months of life.  He never needed a respirator.  I don't think you SHOULD have told me on the phone he was going to have significant cognitive issues and all this other stuff and then asked me if I had any questions before you left on vacation!   Yes, I had a gentle and nice conversation with her when we met again on how I felt about how this all went down.  And I do mean I was nice.  I wanted her to possibly understand why I felt the way I di...