Fall to Spring

This last Fall, Michael and I went to Utah to stay with 3 other families that have children in the Congenital Myotonic Dystrophy study. One family came from Idaho and the other two from UK. We all had boys. It was eye opening seeing the differences and similarities in our boys. It was super enjoyable to spend the time with the other families. Dr Johnson, Missy and Becky from the Utah University Study team came to the house for a visit as well. Sarah, one of the Mums, neglected to tell us that the news team was coming too. We had just returned from running the boys in the park when there was a knock at the door. "Hi Dr Johnson, Missy and Becky. And you are?" Man introduces himself, channel 5 news. Ah, well really? Warning would have been nice. "Oh, we told Sarah yesterday!" The next day we met up with the Contes at the Zoo. Their daughter Kate also has Myotonic Dystrophy and was in town for the study. ...