Ups and Downs

We continue to strive for Joyful. Michael has really benefited from his service dog. He has responsibilities now and takes them seriously. He has to feed and groom her every day himself. He does a great job and tells you about it. Wiley keeps Michael centered. She walks by his side providing comfort and friendship. She sleeps on his feet providing touch, deep pressure and reassurance he is not alone. She covers him in in tantrums, keeping him connected to the outside and not just in. His tantrums/non compliance are considerably shorter and more easily directed when Wiley involved. She is his touch point. There when he is just sitting and thinking. There when he plays with his toys. There when he is on his swing. There when he just wants to cuddle. The face he will look directly at and the name he never forgets. In scoring Michael for his current placement in various categories, what is sh...