First Steps
Well first steps came before 2nd Birthday! They are only 2-4 and then down he goes but he is trying. He is constantly wanting to walk between Steve and I. Our backs are feeling it. Knocks him out afterwards though so you get a break to do things you need to do without tripping over him. He can book it with his walker though. Watch out! He can say Eat, Go and No along with counting. I am waiting for Now. Oh wait, he just figured out "done". I make him sit in his high chair until he signs it after eating (which he knows). We had a battle of wills (he was screaming and refused to sign done when asked), I left him in his highchair. He decided it was easier to say it and get down to bug me than scream in his high chair while I did dishes. Progress? ;) He has a helmet to protect his head. He can still manage to turn in such away that the exposed area is what he hits. At least ...