Back in casts again

June brought the end of school. Michael had a VERY successful year! While he may not be typical, he did very well with typical children and made friends and socialized wonderfully. Academically he is beyond what most of the other little kids were but physically and cognitively he is still behind. We did get some great news though. There is another drug going into Phase 3 clinical trials for CDM and cognitive issues. We will be participating in the study!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Michael will be in Utah, so will end his current study prior to beginning the new study. Already scheduled. We again will be meeting Sarah and Josh who are flying in from England and hopefully Deanise and family will join us for the weekend. We will have the boys together again. Michael has a visit with his sister and brother prior to having to go get surgery. One last run around with Ruffle Butt. Michael had surgery again...