
Showing posts from January 5, 2014

Almost 2 and visted 3 states so far ;)

Another year has come and gone.  Michael is almost 2.  He still isn't walking independently but continues to cruise holding a finger.  I continue to do therapy exercises every day to gain core strength and balance.  He can stand for 5 seconds without holding onto anything. He has NO problems eating and so far hasn't really even been sick except for sniffles so immune system fantastic.      His speech is still hard to understand though his vocabulary has increased some.  He still is a primary sign language communicator.  He has gotten very good at signing what he wants.  He signs he wants  crackers and he goes and gets them himself.  He feeds half of them to the dog.....   We went to Florida for Christmas Break.  Micheal did great on the plane.  I never flew with my other boys when they were this young.  That diaper changing thing during flight is a real challenge with a ch...