Almost 2 and visted 3 states so far ;)

Another year has come and gone.  Michael is almost 2.  He still isn't walking independently but continues to cruise holding a finger.  I continue to do therapy exercises every day to gain core strength and balance.  He can stand for 5 seconds without holding onto anything. He has NO problems eating and so far hasn't really even been sick except for sniffles so immune system fantastic.  
   His speech is still hard to understand though his vocabulary has increased some.  He still is a primary sign language communicator.  He has gotten very good at signing what he wants.  He signs he wants  crackers and he goes and gets them himself.  He feeds half of them to the dog.....  

We went to Florida for Christmas Break.  Micheal did great on the plane.  I never flew with my other boys when they were this young.  That diaper changing thing during flight is a real challenge with a child as big as Michael.  He is larger than any changing table and covers two seats.   Poor peeps around us.  
Michael got to meet his other Great Grandparents. Unfortunately he is a moose and they couldn't lift him. He did share popcorn with GGpa at his chair and snuggle with GGma in her chair.  He was pretty much on the move the whole time with very little sit quiet time.  Since it was warm and they have a pool, he was constantly trying to get outside.  He would stay outside forever if given the choice.  
While we were in Florida we also visited friends of mine that were Michael's father Trevyn's God Parents.  They had a HUGE role in helping me with Trevyn when he was young.  When they moved out of state, I still sent Trevyn to them during the Summer.  It was important fto me to have them meet Trevyn's son as well.  
   So we are back in Cold Oregon and Michael still wants to go outside.  We had our Christmas and Michael is pretty much ignoring his new toys and still focused on his little computer and tablet.  We did get him a wagon though and we may need to just bundle up and go for a walk today since he wants to ride in it.
   We go back to Shriner's next month for our MDA clinic appointment.    Might find out if they are going to want to do surgery again on his feet.  There has been such improvement since he has started walking on them that am hoping we are in the clear.  
