Trip to California

Well Steven was right!  Long trip.  Found out Michael gets car sick.  Trip to children's hospital must be the longest he can hold on without PROJECTILE vomiting all over.  Boy were we happy to get to our first hotel!  At dinner that night, Steven and Michael were sitting at table nodding and shaking their heads at each other.  I asked what that was about.  Steven answered, "We are having a debate."  It wasn't over whether the food was good or not because it wasn't.  Anyway, Michael explored the hotel room and left his prints behind.

First stop was Berkeley to see Uncle Trevor.
Had a nice lunch and walk around Berkeley.  Found the Monty Python Killer Bunny puppet in a shop.  Michael LOVED him so we got it.
Headed down to Monterey next day to Aquarium.  Found out Michael does not hang well in stroller around many people. We took the Same Shell Picture that I took with Steven when he was a little guy as well.

 After Aquarium, drove to Mission Viejo to Mom and Dad's.  Once again projectile vomiting.  Steven and I had hoarse voices from singing to Michael to stop his crying.

Michael got to spend time with Great Gran and Great Grandpa and Great Uncle Mike and meet Great Aunt Toni and cousins.

He had a blast in the pool of course.
So after spending a week with family it was time for the pukey ride home........  Car still stinks!

I think it will be a LONG while before we venture on a rode trip again.


  1. Maybe you need St. Christopher for safe and sane road trips (never did know why they gave him the boot)


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