Just explaining Us.

 Michael and his "What About ME?!"  
Like ALWAYS.. You are talking on the phone?  "What about me?"  You are taking a shower?  "What about Me?!"  You are leaving the house?  """WHAT ABOUT ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???? """" 
 Aren't you leaving someone behind?  Obviously I am not Screaming loud enough because the guilt hasn't forced your return!  
Yes, I am talking about full blown Twos!  I know that we have a couple years of this from experience but Michael of course just perfected the screech over night.    Ugh.  His father was a big tantrum thrower but  since Steven came between and was so calm, I briefly forgot this stage.  This too shall pass.... Thing is I like this age and the squeezies and all.  That part is probably so you don't decide to lose them somewhere when your ear drums burst...  ;0)

 Michael signs and says even more.  Kind of catches you by surprise with what he knows.  I will be in bed reading to him, he will touch me and sign "nice" and say the Ni.  He is thinking and matching his signs with words. He says Go Nigh Nigh and signs night together.  He is using communication. Others just don't understand his words sometimes.   He says 2 words together.  He also requests books Many Many Many times a day.  He helps you read because he knows the cues for when to say a word.  
  He has the sounds he should master by age 3 of p,m,h,n,w, and b.  He actually uses CH and SH as well which is a 3 1/2 year sounds.  Most people wouldn't even know when these sounds are supposed to be said unless looking for them and someone hands you this piece of paper I am holding right now. 

 I kind of disagree with the SH sound though because I think I "thought" all of my kids were saying "shit" to mock me before age 3.  Michael sounds pretty close.  I don't think I say it anymore though so isn't from me.  Whose corrupting my baby?  ;)  

Trauma continues with walking.  We really took Normal for granted when we had it.  Having a child with Neuromuscular disease is painful to watch.  Michael's leg just collapses many times a day while he is cruising along.  Some days he does really good and others it seems every 10th step, he goes down.  It is nothing like when our older boys were learning to walk.  This isn't the same.  Michael can walk, his neurons just stop sending at some point controlling his limb and you can see it just buckle.  
There is no warning for him and it is a motor rush to try and get his hands down to protect himself. 
Since nothing works at the speed of light for him, sometimes success, sometimes not; sometimes the other neurons don't fire either to keep his trunk upright.   When landing on bum, the crumple effect still gets the face against the ground.   He still needs to crawl to something for support to stand from being on the ground.  We don't tend to be more than a couple feet from him at playgrounds with bark.  Below is one of his Quasimodo looks after a fall.  

    We have padding and helmets and walkers and all but you just can't protect everything :(  

Actually after writing the above and all, figured out it was actually Molars coming causing the swelling.  All better now that tooth popped through.  

Michael was fitted for new Night Time after comatosed asleep AFOs.  That is the only way you will get any on him and they only want them for night anyway to keep his foot in a 90 degree angle without foot drop.  I ordered them in dinosaur but camo was second.  We live in Oregon, it fits.  

Michael is just advancing.  He really likes his toddler class and plays and touches the others.  He told Grandpa to "Stop It" perfectly clear the other day there.  He has begun imaginative play which is another milestone.  There are now dinosaurs in the bathtub and sometimes you can hear him talking to toys.  Vroom Vroom goes the car and then "whee" down the slide.  

The music room is still a favorite escape. 
