International Toddler

What changes a month brings.  Michael became an international traveler, visiting his first country of the many he will go to.  Started closer to home with Mexico.  Michael is an excellent traveler.  No issues on the plane and mostly slept or played with his tablet.  
First thing getting to resort was baby proof the room!  We were rearranging furniture all over.  Coffee table and couch in front of back sliding door that led to pool.  Big suitcase blocking front door so could not be opened.  We were constantly trying to keep him out of things and safe.  Typical toddler, testing every exit, wanting to fly. 
  Michael still was not enthralled with the beach.  He would walk in the sand no problem, but wasn't real hip on just sitting and playing.  He will do with fine sand at a playground but the beach just didn't do it for him.  He tried to eat the sand instead, or was just trying to get it off his hands.  I am not sure which.  We stayed pretty much on one of the beds they had out in the shade and just relaxed.  He did enjoy the water and waves.    The ocean for Michael takes a second to the pool.  If the child could stay in the pool all day he would.  He holds his breath now and wants to go under water.  He can't go from face down in water to standing back up on his own so you have to lift him back up.  Kind of scary for us but he likes it.  Trying to teach him to roll to his back for breath, but so far unsuccessful.  
Michael enjoyed trying new foods but still decided peas and watermelon are the best.  I am just glad he is a good eater.  He had no problems adjusting to the different milk flavor as well.  My older boys would all go without milk during travels, Michael looked weird at it and would sip and stare at it again but drank it.  Good thing as needed to keep him hydrated in the hot weather.  He got to spend most of the week outside. 
     The only time Michael was fussy on trip was when we went to Chichen Itza.  He didn't get a good vibe obviously.  Reacted like we were in the Meat department at Costco.  I am not sure if it was all the vendors all over, the mass people or the place.  Why they allow all those vendors inside the site though....  If you are going to buy anything, use the vendors outside.  Make it more profitable to Not be selling inside.  
  Michael was a GREAT toddler the whole time.  No issues what so ever.  Long plane ride back, the last leg he was loud but he was surrounded by other little kids that were loud as well.  He was healthy whole trip and then puked on car ride home.  Fun Fun.  Had a fever for the next two days being home as well and slept a lot but that was over quickly too.  All recovered and up and running again.  Misses being outside all the time so a trip to park today is called for.  
