Christmas letter catch up.

From Michael:
Enjoying my new house with my new BIG yard and play set.  I can go outside all by myself and mom does not need to worry.  She can see me from the kitchen and from her office depending on where she is.  I love to be outside.  My cat Pip is outside with me.  She has decided she only wants to be outside, and mom agrees since Pip has decided to untrain herself from using the litter box.  She is my friend outside and Squeak and Karma are my inside friends.    My mom has applied for a dog through CCI  to help me with picking things up if I am in my wheelchair and to just be besides me to help my balance.  The dog will also help me in the future if no medication is found to help.  Hoping it all works out because I would really love one.  I am very into dogs.   

My ABA therapy has been very successful.  I am talking a lot more now.  I ask for things and can usually tell you what I want to do.  I am kind of selective still though with who I will converse with. Recently I told my mom she was being unfair when she turned the wifi off on my IPAD.  I also praised her when she found my crocodile blanket.  "You found it!  Good job!!"  You should have seen her smile.  She was very proud of herself.  

I started Kindergarten.  My school has been fantastic.  They only used my previous IEP for reference and made their own and put me in a typical classroom with a 1:1 and additional services.  I sometimes go to another room for quiet when it gets too much but I have adjusted well.  My SPED Teacher is really nice and has a box I can crawl into like a fort.  I have made friends and I see them at the park next to me too.  My personal support worker tells them all about me and how to best play with me.  My mom told the parents and class the first day of school too.  It helps.  One of my new friends told my mom she was happy she had told her about me.  That made my mom and I feel good.  

Did you know I can spell now?  I can read and spell.  Trying Math and can count to 100 and recognize all my numbers and tell you the number of a group but the other parts are still hard.  

I made pancakes with my mom the other day.  She measured and I poured in and stirred.  When she wasn't looking I added her coffee to it.  She poured most of that back out.  I tasted the pancakes and said Delicious!  She tasted and put her plate in sink.

Sarah and Josh came to the United States.  We met up with Deanise and Dallen in Idaho Falls so we could all play together.  It is fun seeing my cousins.  

At school I had to "run" the track.  My friends saw that there were holes in the track and by themselves went and stood in them as I went by so I would not fall.  I have very good friends.  When we went to the Pumpkin patch, I got lost in the maze.  They came back and found me.  

I like to get a hold of my mom's phone and text people.  I have texted Steven, Nala and called my friend Rachel.  I face time with Rachel.  I know just what to say.  

I will be starting a drug come spring for a clinical trial.  It may help me think better.  That would be nice.  I have to go to the doctor to do tests every 2 weeks to test the progress.  

My Steven is a Junior at Oregon State University.  He did so many classes his Senior year at High School and Freshman Year at UCC that he entered as a Junior.  He is still set on Chemical Engineering.  He applies to Pro School end of this year.  That is 2 more years itself.  He has a place with 2 friends from Roseburg and another guy.  He likes it out on his own.  I miss him though.  When I see him I get lots of hugs and attention so I know he misses me too.  

Trevyn and Zephyra live in a Mobile home her mother bought for them in Roseburg with Lilith and Sybat.  I hear they are all happy.

Trevor and Shannon are getting married in July.  Mom is going to wedding of course but I am going to stay with a cousin.  I do not like weddings much and would probably voice that.  I want their day to be perfect without any drama.  I like to act.  :)  

Mom is doing good.  Hikes still when she can and we go for walks a lot when weather is nice.  She enjoys her job very much as well as her team.  She says she is very fortunate to have the great people she does to work with.    She says she is also very fortunate to have a great group of women friends that share adventures with her.  She says they keep her sane and are her respite from stuff.  She can always count of them for support and fun.  

Well that is about all I can think of to share.  I hope everyone is happy and healthy and doing a good job like me.  Sending pictures too.  
                                                  Merry Christmas
